Loose tea
Linden tea
Peppermint tea
Cowslip Tea
Wild raspberry leaf tea
Wild raspberry leaf tea
25g loose tea
Wild raspberry leaf tea is one of the most aromatic and flavorful teas in the Northern forests, famous for its specific, strong aroma and sweet taste. It is equivalent to a walk-through mystical Nordic forest and looking for fairies enjoying the sweetest raspberries – join them while enjoying a cup of tea!
Fireweed tea
Lady’s mantle tea
Oregano flower tea
Jerusalem Artichoke’s flower tea
35g loose tea
Jerusalem Artichoke’s (Topinambhur) flower tea has quickly become one of the most popular and beloved teas within the PLŪKT tea collection. The way it tastes is rather incredible and nut-like with a delightful golden consistency. Sunflower in the world of local teas - Jerusalem artichoke flowers!