10 interesting facts about PLŪKT

1/ Plūkt is a company founded by a mother-daughter team at which experience in herbology meets international vision and creates loving synergy.
2/ All of the herbs for Plūkt teas are hand-picked from wild meadows and forests in Latvia and northern Europe. About 1300 herbs grow naturally in our wild meadows. Biodiversity like this is very special, and the company aims to help preserve it.
3/ From the company’s tea house in Prauliena, a village in Central Latvia that’s surrounded by forests and meadows, Plūkt tea is served in at least 24 countries across the globe.
4/ The slightly sweet favour of the Blossom Tea blend combines the most vivid and energising fowers of wild Nordic meadows and forests to bloom in your teacup throughout the year. Experience the sunny summer mornings and sweet aroma on airBaltic fights.
5/ Etsy’s new chief gift ofcer, Hollywood actress Drew Barrymore, recommends Plūkt Blossom Tea as the perfect gift for mum.

6/ For Plūkt Nordic Black Tea, wild freweed leaves are carefully fermented for up to a week at 50°C, creating a special shape that unfolds beautifully in the teacup.
7/ A Nordic Morning pyramid tea bag contains freeze-dried blueberries, fermented freweed, and peppermint. The compact,
convenient tea bag format is chosen for this new cold-brew tea, which is perfect for travelling, walking, hosting guests, and
more. Each Plūkt pyramid tea bag flters sediment perfectly and is designed for 500 millilitres of fresh, cold water.
8/ Tea often forms a sediment and a flm of essential oils as it cools, which reduces its aroma. Boiled water may also lose
some of its benefcial properties. With Plūkt’s cold-brewed teas, you can enjoy the full integrity of the water, enhanced
with antioxidants from blueberries, iron from nettle leaves, and microbiologically friendly fermented freweed acids. Unlike hot tea, cold-brew tea improves the longer it steeps.
9/ Plūkt is among the top 2% tea manufacturers in the world contributing to plastic-free tea times. The company was the frst in northern Europe to ofer herbal tea in biodegradable, plant-based tea bags that can be composted naturally and do not release plastic particles.
10/ Plūkt excels in e-commerce, ensuring that its Nordic tea reaches various places around the world, spreading Nordic culture and community. Two years in a row, it has been named among the top three e-commerce companies in the Baltics.