President of Latvia Egils Levits visits the PLŪKT Tea House

On January 10th 2023, special guests arrived at the PLŪKT Tea House in Prauliena – President of Latvia Egils Levits and First Lady of Latvia Mrs Andra Levite.
Accompanied by a cup of tea, we explored the many possibilities of the development of natural, premium wild herbal teas and emphasized the mportance of preserving the great
biodiversity of Latvia.

“Madona county has successfully integrated the previous counties and parishes into the new county. Here, everyone stands for the common, new Madona county, while preserving the identity of their parishes and counties. When I come and talk to people, I see the vision and ambitions for the further development of the county. These ideas are really both for the municipality and companies,” said The President of Latvia Egils Levits after the working visit. We are thankful for the opportunity to meet the President and share the PLŪKT story!
You too can visit us at the PLŪKT Tea House – experience an authentic Nordic tea masterclass!